Training Through Uncertainty

Training Through Uncertainty

This is a guest post from my amazing younger sister, Aria Spears. Along with being a military wife, she’s a dedicated follower of Jesus, brilliant people-connector, and creative community builder. Her wisdom far exceeds her years and I’m always glad when...
The First Month

The First Month

As of 24 June, I’ve officially been commissioned for a month. (It feels like much longer.)  Right after graduation from OTS, Jacob and I threw our suitcases in the car and met our home goods at my first assignment in Idaho! We drove several days from Alabama to...
Book Review: Shoot Like a Girl

Book Review: Shoot Like a Girl

Shoot Like a Girl: One Woman’s Dramatic Fight in Afghanistan and on the Home Front Major Mary Jennings Hegar © 2017, 292 pages I’ve been scanning the suggested reading lists from military leaders and seeing which books are available at my local library,...
7 Tips for Waiting Well

7 Tips for Waiting Well

Last May I swore in to the U.S. Air Force. Ever since then, I’ve been waiting to go to training and get my service started. It will have been about three years since I started the recruitment process and almost a year since I swore in when I finally start training....