Staying in Step for a Successful Military Life

6 Ways to Love Your Husband from Afar

by | Apr 3, 2017 | Family Care

Where are my warrior women at?!  This post accompanies our previous post 6 Ways to Love Your Wife from Afar, but it’s geared toward you ladies that are serving your country and the men you’ve left behind to hold down the home front.  These guys are a rarer few, but they’re doing their part and fighting stereotypes and expectations while they do it.  You can do quite a lot with just an internet connection and a credit card!  They deserve to be appreciated for all of their hard work, and here are some ways you can show love to your man back home:

Food Arrangements/baskets

These arrangements are the closest thing to flowers that most men will actually like.  Because you can eat them.  There are options made of fruit and sometimes chocolate, so they’re flowers you can eat.  (I’ve even seen beef jerky “flower arrangements”!) Order online and see if you can personalize a message to send with it.

Buy something he wants

This was on the other list as well because it is always a good option!  Check out your man’s Amazon/Ebay/etc. wishlist for an item he has saved, buy it, and ship it to him.  Ask the seller if they can drop a note in to say it’s from you (usually smaller shops are glad to oblige).  Of course, he saved it… so he’ll like it, guaranteed!

Make a memory

A lot of guys aren’t so much into stuff, so buy him something that will make a memory.  Get him and his bro concert tickets to see his favorite band.  Get him and the kids passes to an amusement park nearby.  Sign him up for a martial art class or welding class or anything you think he would enjoy.  If he isn’t into stuff, help him have fun experiences while you’re gone to remind him you care about him and his happiness.

Gift baskets/cans

There are several companies that make man-specific gift packages that you can order and customize online.  I’ve seen packages that are packed in ammo cans, mini garbage cans, and other fun containers. Pack it with gadgets for the tech guy, movies and snacks for the cinephile, or sport swag for the athlete.

Restaurant Gift Card

This was also on the last list… because everyone likes food.  Get him a gift certificate to a place with lots of protein, somewhere that will be extra special and maybe nicer than he would normally do for himself.  He can’t let a good gift certificate go to waste!  If you want it to be a surprise, contact a couple of his friends and ask them to take him out for some man time.

Write a letter

This one is a classic, and it’s easy on the budget.  Even if you just skyped him, there’s something special about actually writing down your sentiments and telling him about your experiences on paper.  Get creative and draw a picture, fold some origami to include in the envelope, and don’t forget to spray perfume on the paper for that added bit of romance!  Even the toughest, most reserved guy doesn’t mind getting told his lady loves him and misses him!

Do you have any other ideas you’ve tried out that went well for you?  What won you the Best Wife of the Year award?


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